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Hidden impact of domestic abuse on doctors revealed in MDU journal

The hidden impact of domestic abuse on healthcare professionals has been revealed by the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF), in the latest edition of the Medical Defence Union (MDU) journal. The RMBF has seen a significant increase in doctors accessing support as a direct result of domestic abuse. Five years ago the charity, which the MDU… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK welcomes introduction of Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

The Government’s Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, which was announced in the 2024 King’s Speech, will receive its First Reading in Parliament today. Humanists UK has welcomed proposals including a Children Not in School Register and legislation to close loopholes that enable the continued operation of illegal faith schools. The Bill also includes a requirement… Read more »

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The police will be less able to protect the public after the cuts, the Police Federation warned
Police cuts will be ‘Christmas for criminals’

by Peter Wozniak Cuts to the police budget of up to 25% will have a drastically negative effect on the effectiveness of police forces, the Police Federation has warned. In a dramatic intervention, the Federation claimed that current standards of policing would become “unsustainable” with the budget cuts being mooted by the government, saying that… Read more »

Activists say the UK's extradition treaty with the US is lopsided
Extradition review announcement expected

By Peter Wozniak and Ian Dunt Full details of the Home Office’s review into Britain’s extradition arrangements with the EU and the US will be announced soon, the Home Office has confirmed. The announcement is expected soon, but is unlikely to come any earlier than late next week. It will set out the terms of… Read more »