Climate Change

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
BASC calls on Gloucestershire Constabulary to reverse “outrageous and unlawful” firearms licensing decision

BASC has accused Gloucestershire Constabulary of failing to fulfil a statutory duty by suspending firearm certificate grants. Within the last few days, the force has taken the unilateral decision to suspend grant applications for firearm and shotgun certificates on the grounds of “unexpected resourcing issues”. It has also said that applications already in the pipeline… Read more »

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Environment minister Ian Pearson and Ryanair have been exchanging cross words in the press
Environment minister kicks off Ryanair brawl

Environment minister Ian Pearson has become engaged in an ugly scrap between Europe’s leading budget airline and the government. Mr Pearson branded Ryanair “the irresponsible face of capitalism” in their attitude to the environment – as well as describing major American airlines as a “disgrace” in terms of their attitude. Ryanair chief Michael O’Leary –… Read more »

Brits must change every aspect of their lives to fight climate change, David Miliband argues
Miliband: Brits must change entire lives for climate

To fight climate change UK residents will have to make changes to every aspect of their lives, David Miliband has said. The environment secretary said Britons have been “short-sighted” in their efforts at tackling environmental problems in the past. “Every part of the way we work, go to school, the way we live is going… Read more »