Liam Byrne, shadow work and pensions secretary, comments on unemployment figures

Labour: Govt has well and truly clobbered the recovery

Labour: Govt has well and truly clobbered the recovery

Liam Byrne, shadow work and pensions secretary, comments on unemployment figures:

“It’s another month, and it’s yet another grim record high in unemployment with no end in sight. The government has well and truly clobbered the recovery and now more families face Christmas without a job than at any time since the early 1990s.

“As every month passes, it is getting clearer and clearer that the government’s welfare to work programmes are simply failing. The lowest amount of people are coming off benefits and into work that at any time since 1998.

“The result is now a soaring welfare bill that is creating an almighty hangover for Britain to deal with. The government is now set to borrow £158 billion more than planned – more than £6,500 for every household in the country. This isn’t borrowing to support the economy through difficult times, but a huge new bill for failure.

“In the last quarter for every 13 jobs lost in the public sector, just one was created in the private sector. Quite simply we’re losing jobs faster than we’re creating them. Eighteen months after they were elected the government’s complacency is staggering. Their economic policies are failing and Britain desperately needs a plan that works.

“Labour's five point plan for jobs and growth shows a different way. Getting people back to work is the safest, surest way to get the deficit down and put Britain on the right course for the future.

“Labour is today hauling the government to the House of Commons today for a debate on jobs. The question the must answer is simple: will they now change course to help solve Britain’s unemployment crisis?”