Hague: Keeping distance from European plans is sensible

Hague: Keeping distance from European plans is sensible

Hague: Keeping distance from European plans is sensible

Foreign secretary William Hague downplays suggestions that Britain has isolated itself from the rest of Europe after David Cameron used his veto in the eurozone Brussels summit:

"This is not a monolithic group. What they've committed themselves to is to giving up more of their national control of their own budgets. Us standing apart from that is not an isolated thing, it is a very sensible thing.

"What we've done is not about euroscepticism, it's about what is in the interests of the UK. We came into this with an agreed platform, agreed between the Conservative and Liberal Democrat members of the government. We'll all been in touch through the night.

"This is the British position, the position of our coalition government. And it's the right decision for Britain."