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MDU responds to government report on NHS finances

Following the publication today of a public accounts committee report into NHS financial sustainability, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) said the NHS should enact long promised reforms aimed at controlling the costs of clinical negligence cases. The MDU was one of the few healthcare organisations to submit written evidence to the committee. Dr Mike Devlin, MDU head of… Read more »

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Tony Blair says 'significant progress' in Nato Afghanistan summit
Nato summit bolsters Afghan forces

The meeting of Nato allies in Riga this week has made “significant progress” in bolstering the forces serving in Afghanistan, Tony Blair has said. The prime minister said commanders would now have 85 per cent of the troops they needed, after several Nato countries dropped restrictions on the deployment of their armed forces. Leaders of… Read more »

Tony Blair calls on Nato allies to commit more troops to Afghanistan deployment
Nato ‘must accept responsibility’ for Afghanistan

All the Nato countries should regard the work British troops are doing in Afghanistan as “their responsibility”, Tony Blair argued today. Members of the alliance are meeting today in Belgium to discuss how to respond to military commanders’ request for 2,500 more troops in the country. Reports suggest that European leaders are unlikely to pledge… Read more »