
Alcohol Concern: ‘All carrot and no stick’ for drinks industry

Alcohol Concern: ‘All carrot and no stick’ for drinks industry

Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, said of the government’s alcohol policy:

“This is the worst possible deal for everyone who wants to see alcohol harm reduced. There are no firm targets or any sanctions if the drinks industry fails to fulfil its pledges. It’s all carrot and no stick for the drinks industry and supermarkets.

“The deal on alcohol is clearly the result of determined drinks industry lobbying coupled with a coalition government seemingly in thrall to business.

“By allowing the drinks industry to propose such half-hearted pledges on alcohol with no teeth, this government has clearly shown that when it comes to public health its first priority is to side with big business and protect private profit.

“The problem with this ‘name and praise’ approach is that it assumes one retailer’s positive action will lead to others following. If the government are going to mistakenly rely on self-regulation to reduce problem drinking, they must clearly state what they intend to do if it fails.

“All the evidence so far is that the alcohol industry has no interest in reducing alcohol consumption, and we will continue to call for laws to compel drinks companies and retailers to sell alcohol responsibly, with mandatory labelling, health warnings and reduced marketing.”