A chance to catch up on our five most-read items of the week.
Five: Labour votes with Tories to pull out of single market in Wales
In fifth place this week is our report on the Labour Party's dwindling support for staying in the single market. In the first clear indication of Labour’s position on Brexit, Welsh Assembly members for the governing party rejected a symbolic motion by Plaid Cymru which noted “the importance of full membership of the European single market to the Welsh economy”.

Four: Labour's cowardice on freedom of movement helps Tories
Every day, more MPs emerge to pronounce the end of freedom of movement. They dribble out, one by one, Conservatives and Labour, always with the same message. They make sure they mention that immigration is economically beneficial to this country. It’s a wink to the rest of the political class. They know it’s all guff. And then they put on their Ukip facemask and do the immigration dance.
Three: The sneering at 'Momentum Kids' shows why Jeremy Corbyn's opponents are losing
There are many reasons Jeremy Corbyn will win the Labour leadership contest. The huge influx of new left-leaning members and the weakness of his rival candidate both mean that he should be comfortably re-elected as Labour leader on Saturday. But the other major reason for Corbyn's continued supremacy is the cack-handed and self-defeating nature of the attacks his Labour opponents have made against him.
Two: Rats, filth and cockroaches: What it’s like to live in Nicola Sturgeon's constituency
In second place this week is a report into the squalid living conditions experienced by many people within Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon's constituency. Can she really claim to be standing up for the neediest in Scotland while still allowing such conditions to continue so close to her home?
One: Owen Smith: Momentum members could be banned by Labour party
And in the top spot this week is a story about comments made by Labour leadership contender Owen Smith suggesting that a group set up to support his opponent should be banned by the party.