BASC delivering training for Police Scotland
As part of an ongoing commitment to support police forces across Scotland with training for Firearms Enquiry Officers (FEOs), BASC hosted ten members of Police Scotland’s FEO team.
This was the third ‘Continuing Professional Development’ (CPD) training session BASC has held with Police Scotland and will be followed by a number of courses over the next 18 months aimed at providing training for all the force’s new FEOs they employ.
The courses will mirror the training the College of Policing is delivering to forces in England and Wales. BASC is working closely with the British Shooting Sports Council to develop the new Firearms Enquiry Officer training programme, which will be rolled out next year.
Superintendent Steven Duncan, Head of National Firearms and Explosives Licensing for Police Scotland, said he was “extremely grateful to BASC for arranging this CPD day for Police Scotland officers and staff who deal with firearms licensing on a day-to-day basis.”
He said: “The inputs delivered a really deepened understanding around some of the more technical and practical aspects of shooting and conservation.
“Firearms licensing matters can sometimes be extremely complex and engagement with a wide range of organisations is critical to help us make informed and appropriate decisions. Whilst our own training covers a wide variety of licensing theory, the more ‘hands on’ learning that came from the day helped contextualise aspects of land management and safe and responsible shooting.”
BASC’s Scotland officer, Cameron Balfour said: “The day provided an opportunity to explain the different types of firearms used in the various shooting disciplines, as well as giving the staff hands-on opportunities to try clay-pigeon and rifle shooting.
“This was a great opportunity to further cement the strong relationship BASC has with Police Scotland.”