Simon Hoare MP supports Will Smith’s actions in Oscar altercation
Following the Oscars ceremony overnight in which the actor Will Smith walked on stage to slap the comedian Chris Rock after the latter made a joke about Mr Smith’s wife, the oscar winning actor appears to have received the backing of the Conservative MP, Simon Hoare, for his actions.
Commenting on his Twitter account this morning, the North Dorset MP wrote, “I’d just hope if someone thought it in good taste to make a joke at the expense of a medical condition of my wife then I’d get up and lamp him. The joke was tasteless’.
Although Will Smith’s actions have received support from some quarters, others have questioned the use of violence.
Simon Hoare’s comments this morning, reflect a different tone from a tweet he made in May 2021 in which he said, “Let us be clear and unambiguous: if the Rule of Law and democracy means anything to you, violence is NEVER an option”.
In response to Mr Hoare’s latest outburst, the barrister Ruper Myers, commented on Twitter, ‘Not sure, “It’s ok to use violence if you’re offended’ is a wise line to take for a member of parliament’.