Race Relations

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MDU backs call for more training and support for all doctors

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) responded to the GMC workforce report 2024 which found there needs to be more education and training opportunities for locally employed doctors, many of whom qualified from outside the UK. Dr Udvitha Nandasoma, MDU head of advisory services, said: “The GMC’s latest report highlights that the medical workforce is evolving into one… Read more »

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Blair: Black communities must mobilise against crime
Blair: target the black gang leaders

Tony Blair has called on black communities to denounce gun and knife crime, following the latest spate of youth-on-youth attacks. The prime minister called for tougher action on gang crime in a speech in Cardiff, as he joined the Labour campaign trail in Wales. Delivering a lecture in memory of former Labour prime minister James… Read more »

Govt wants more diverse councils
Commission to explore barriers to council diversity

The government is to explore why so many councillors are middle aged white men, with a new investigation exploring the barriers which prevent people from standing. The Councillors Commission wants to understand why more women, young people and people from ethnic minorities do not stand as candidates and is inviting people to submit their own… Read more »