nick clegg

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
Defra Minister recognises ‘really important role’ of BASC

MINISTER Daniel Zeichner told a packed Rural Reception at the Labour Party conference today that his party’s MPs must repay the faith shown in them at the General Election. The Rural Affairs Minister, speaking to a full house at the joint BASC and Angling Trust event in Liverpool, said: “I can see many rural MPs… Read more »

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Shooting organisations in Northern Ireland link up with counterparts in RoI

In a groundbreaking move, the main shooting and country sports organisations from Northern Ireland have linked up with their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland to share expertise and experience on firearms-related issues. The Northern Ireland Firearms Representative Group (NIFRG), recently met with their counterpart in the south, the Firearms Users Representative Group (FURG), during… Read more »

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Nick Clegg has made a number of high profile overseas trips, including to Brazil last month
Clegg lectures French on debt

The eurozone’s success is “essential” to the UK’s chances of prosperity, Nick Clegg told French business leaders on Friday.