David Cameron

A partnership with the Medical Defence Union (MDU) has enabled the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF) to support over 500 doctors since 2021. This has been enabled by the MDU committing to donate the equivalent of half (£5) the subscription for each new foundation doctor who joins the MDU to RMBF The RMBF provide support for… Read more »

Despite the allure of artificial intelligence to make everyday tasks easier, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) has warned its members against using AI technology to draft medical complaint responses. In the latest issue of the MDU journal, the MDU explains some doctors are turning to AI programs to help draft complaint responses for them. However, the… Read more »
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Read David Cameron’s speech on vaccines and development in full on politics.co.uk.

The PM’s attempts to distract us from his NHS concessions were staggering. Pointing the other way and shouting “look!” would have been more effective.