Issue Briefs
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Proportional Representation
An overview of proportional representation, its history in the UK, the arguments made for and against electoral reform, and the different types of proportional voting systems.Read More

Pupil premium funding
An overview of the pupil premium, how it operates, how the funding is allocated, the history of the scheme, and the debate about its effectiveness.Read More

Public Libraries
An overview of the public library system in the UK, covering its history, current levels of use, the drop in funding, and the debates around the future of the public library in a digital age.Read More

Post Office closures
An overview of post office branches, the fall at the start of the Century, the stabilisation in branch numbers, reasons for the decline, and current policy. Read More

Armed Police UK
An overview of armed police in the United Kingdom, detailing the current levels of armed police, how armed police operate, and the political debate around arming the police.Read More

Prostitution in the UK
An overview of the history and legal framework currently governing prostitution in the UK, alongside the ongoing debate, and the suggested alternative legal structures.Read More

Private Prisons
An overview of the use of private prisons within the prisons system, their current operation, and the arguments involved.Read More

Prison Rehabilitation
An overview of prison rehabilitation policy in the United Kingdom, covering its history, the current approach, controversies, and statistics.Read More

Prison Overcrowding
An overview of the issue of prison overcrowding, the latest numbers, and history of prison overcrowding in the UK.Read More

Police Funding
An overview of police funding in the UK, recent history, the operation of the system, and how UK spending compares in international terms.
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Police Numbers
An overview of the debate around police numbers, covering recent history and current levels, international comparisons, statistics around police diversity, and plans for increased police recruitment.Read More

Press regulation
An overview of the regulation of the UK's print media and newspaper industry, covering its history, Leveson, and the arguments around statutory control.Read More

Population Growth
An overview of population growth, current global and UK population levels, the history of population growth, and the surrounding political debate.
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Plane noise
An overview of the political issue of aviation noise, its history, the current levels and restrictions, and the various arguments deployed around this issue. Read More

Prison Officers
An overview of the role of prison officers, covering recent history, prison officer numbers, pay levels, and related controversies.Read More

Private renting
An overview of the political debate around the private rental sector, its history, its current size, the regulations it falls under, and the arguments made around future reform.Read More