Fire Brigades Union responds to Anti-Strikes Bill ‘forced through parliament’

Fire Brigades Union General Secretary Matt Wrack comments on parliament’s vote in favour of the Minimum Service Levels bill.

The Bill had been amended heavily by the House of Lords, and the government overturned these amendments last night.

Matt Wrack, FBU General Secretary said:

“The Tories have declared war on firefighters, nurses, teachers, rail workers, paramedics and other workers, by forcing through parliament this latest attack on our rights.

“It’s outrageous that the government has ridden roughshod over the opposition by these key workers, who took to the streets outside parliament to protect their right to strike in defence of jobs and wages.

“However, this vote in parliament is not the end of the fight against this authoritarian and undemocratic assault on employment rights. Far from it.

“A mass campaign of opposition and defiance can make this law unworkable and ultimately defeat it.

“Firefighters are among the main targets of this pernicious legislation.

“Our union will be at the forefront of this campaign, which starts now “