Tuition fees unite students

Tuition fees may be capped

Tuition fees may be capped

By Ian Dunt</>

Nick Clegg has suggested tuition fees would be capped, contrary to the recommendations of the Browne review.

Lord Browne’s report suggested the cap be lifted altogether, but speaking on the Andrew Marr programme today Mr Clegg said a cap could be put in place.

The idea of capping annual fees at £7,000 was hinted at by Vince Cable when he presented the review to parliament.

Such a move would still mean the Lib Dems were breaking the pledge to oppose any rise in tuition fees.

It might placate some critics, however, who believe that removing the cap altogether could trigger exorbitant rates at leading Russell group universities.

Mr Clegg said he felt “uneasy” about unlimited fees.

Asked whether they would be capped, he said: “Correct”.

Ministers were “looking at something more restrained”, he added.

A decision to cap at a rate of £7,000 a year could leave the government with no supporters at all however. It would be unlikely to convince student union groups to support the review and while leaving top universities still arguing that they are unable to compete on an international level.