Investigation reveals BNP golly trial
By staff
An undercover reporter at the BNP’s ‘family festival’ has uncovered conclusive evidence of bitter racism and fascist chanting at the event.
The News of the World reporter found supporters at the Red White and Blue festival conducting a mock trial of a golly doll, and then burning it “for being black”.
One man – said by the newspaper to be local council candidate John Coombes – shouts: “Let’s get a real one. in the town we’ll find one or two.”

The BNP’s press officer immediately condemned the events.
“The BNP distances itself completely from the unacceptable behaviour of two individuals and wishes to place it on record that they in no way represent the party,” John Walker said.
“The actions and behaviour reflect only upon themselves and were not part of any official BNP function.
“I can also confirm that this was the first that any of us had heard of this incident. The whole matter has now been referred to the party’s hierarchy for further action and potential disciplinary steps,” Mr Walker said.
The video, which can be seen below, directly contradicts BNP statements that the festival, in Codnor, Derbyshire, is a family event designed to be fun.
Local reports of men chanting “Sieg Heil” in the evening – flatly contradicted by BNP members – appear to be vindicated by the undercover reporters report.
It appears festival-goers were also able to throw a wet sponge at a man in a Barack Obama mask for £1.
T-shirts were on sale with the words ‘It’s a White Thing’ emblazoned on them.
Meanwhile, the Equality and Human Rights Commission today issued county court proceedings against the party in respect of its constitution and membership criteria.
The court has set a date of Wednesday September 2nd for a hearing for the commission’s application for an injunction against the BNP.
The organisation is concerned that the BNP’s membership policy, which bars non-whites from joining, breaks the law.
The BNP has said it will clarify the word ‘white’ on its website, but the commission said it believes the party “continue to discriminate against potential or actual members on racial grounds”.
That view appeared to be vindicated by comments quoted by the News of the World inside the Red, White and Blue festival’s ‘political tent’.
Party leader Nick Griffin allegedly told members: “Since if we want to survive we will be forced to let them [non-whites] in, the key will be before we do so to change the party – to ensure that whoever’s coming in doesn’t have any control.”