Channel 4 takes on a young David Cameron

Channel 4 plans drama of Cameron’s uni days

Channel 4 plans drama of Cameron’s uni days

By Ian Dunt

Channel 4 is set to broadcast a docu-drama of David Cameron’s times in Oxford University.

The film will centre on the goings on in the University’s elitist Bullingdon Club, according to the Mirror.

Labour strategists will be jubilant over the news, with many inside Labour HQ still convinced the ‘toffs’ attack can damage the Conservatives, even if failed in the Crewe and Nantwich campaign.

Tory officials are cautious over the history of many of the men on the party’s front bench team, and there has been considerable relief that the images of George Osborne and Mr Cameron in their formal wear have not been seen on newspaper pages for some time.

Channel 4 has previously commissioned drama’s on a fictional trial of Tony Blair and the romantic entanglements of David Blunkett.