Food and Drink Federation: Food and drink industry in UK ahead of the game on obesity

Food and Drink Federation: Food and drink industry in UK ahead of the game on obesity

Food and Drink Federation: Food and drink industry in UK ahead of the game on obesity

Terry Jones, Food and Drink Federation's director of communications, defends the record of the UK food industry in tackling obesity problems:

"On product reformulation, the UK food and drink industry has been ahead of the game for a long time in reducing salt, energy and fat in its products.

"Achievements so far include a nine per cent reduction in the amount of salt and fat consumed by households since 2006 and via the Responsibility Deal; our members have committed to reduce levels even further where technologically possible, safe and acceptable to consumers.

"We recognise the significant threat that obesity poses to society and have taken a proactive role in improving health. Food companies are well aware of the complex diet, lifestyle and health challenges facing society and understand the high expectations that policy makers, regulators and campaigners have of the entire food industry.

"Though the Responsibility Deal initiative is still in its infancy, we firmly believe that as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development made clear last year 'co-operation between government and industry is the single most critical link in a multi stakeholder approach."