*Comment & Analysis

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
10 Years On: Humanists UK reflects on Same-Sex Marriage Act coming into force

Humanists UK is celebrating the ten year anniversary of the first same-sex marriages in England and Wales. Whereas the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act received Royal Assent on 17 July 2013, it took some time to implement this change, so the Act only came into force the following year. The first same-sex marriages took place just after midnight… Read more »

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Civil service for hire
Sketch: Hague and Osborne’s good walk spoiled

Never before has the sight of perambulating politicians got the news-hungry media quite so excited. By Alex Stevenson There are many advantages for politicians to being “facilitated” by the Cabinet Office. The logistical support (taxpayer-funded flip-charts), the “factual” snippets from helpful civil servants, the advice on constitutional issues (do what you like); all are warmly… Read more »