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Debbie Purdy's law lords win has forced the DPP to prepare a clarification
Commons pressured to make right-to-die call

By Alex Stevenson Keir Starmer, the man responsible for clarifying right-to-die legislation, has voiced concerns at parliament’s ability to decide the issue. In an interview with the Telegraph today the director of public prosecutions (DPP) said he looked to the Commons to make the final decision on whether those helping the terminally ill travel to… Read more »

Extraordinary rendition and other forms of complicity: how much did the govt know?
‘Torture inquiry’ demanded

By Alex Stevenson Frustrated parliamentarians are insisting on a public inquiry into allegations the British government has been complicit in torture. MPs and peers on the joint committee on human rights (JCHR) believe such a probe is the only step forward after listing 21 still-unanswered questions on Britain’s complicity with torture. Their calls have been… Read more »