Dale Farm spokesperson: No other community would be treated this way

Dale Farm spokesperson: No other community would be treated this way

Dale Farm spokesperson: No other community would be treated this way

Kathleen McCarthy, ten-year Dale Farm resident a spokesperson for the community who has lived on the site for ten years, explains the desperation of the situation for Dale Farm residents:

"We are living on a hope that they will realise we are not animals – we are humans.

"I don't want my children to be in danger, so we're moving them.

"But we've got nowhere to go after Monday. We don't know what's going to happen to us.

"My whole family is here and just about everyone here is family. There's my children, grandchildren, my sisters and brothers, my mother, my aunts, my uncles. How can we all live together again? Would they do this to any other group of people? Any other community wouldn't be treated the way we are being treated."